Casals Mediterranean Vermouth

Reviving the roots

Robilant designed for Juan Torres Master Distillers "Casals Mediterranean Vermouth Rojo": a high-end red vermouth, following the founder’s original recipe, crafted with recovered Catalan ancestral grapes from the Torres vineyards and over 20 local botanicals, four of which are disclosed in the label: orange peel, tangerine peel, cinnamon and olive leaves.

Juan Torres and Pepa Casals, his beloved wife, were the two iconic people inspiring the proposition, based on their entrepreneurship in exploring new territories.
Their relationship and passionate work, reprised via an old love-letters style, were the source for many touchpoints.

A kaleidoscopic imagery, rooted in the art nouveau Barcelona style, informed the BVI, resulting in an extremely contemporary brand language, also thanks to the vivacious teal note characterizing the color palette.

The shooting with the international cocktails interpreted by Casals Vermouth recalls the allure of the ancient rural mansion of the Torres family, which stands among the ancestral vineyards in Penedés.

The brand identity also comes to life on the website, featuring a unique vertical animation that beautifully depicts and enhances the product in an elegant and interactive way.

The website is fully responsive and allows the user to enjoy the experience and know more about the brand from wherever they are, whenever they wish.